Tara Hogan, DO(MP), RMT

Welcome to the Studio

I have always been focused on helping individuals to grow and continue their learning in life.. I began teaching as a young adult, working as a swimming instructor providing Red Cross lessons to children and young adults. This led me to continue to explore other ways to support individuals I worked with as I saw a need within my clients as the world changed.  

In the field of Manual Therapy and Corporate consulting, I have lead health and business workshops, health and wellness training seminars and currently provide wellness coaching and neurofeedback training.  

Working with clients and helping them to feel well and return to pre injury abilities is a main focus of my practice .

My work experience in the field of manual therapy has included work in a variety of settings, specializing in Manual Osteopathy assessment and treatments using Advanced Orthopedic Massage Therapy.  I will continues to support you and all clients with ongoing resources and wellness sessions as they work together in your health goals.